    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯beplay体育苹果手机下载 与活动板房的不同
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 与活动板房的不同 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2018-11-13
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 与活动板房的不同
    Difference between living container and movable board room
    当前活动房市场主要有beplay体育苹果手机下载 和活动板房两大类产品,这两种产品在全国各地都有大量的应用,为人们供给大量便宜、有用的暂时房屋建筑。
    At present, there are two main types of products in the mobile housing market: residential containers and mobile panels. These two products are widely used all over the country, providing people with a large number of cheap, safe and useful temporary housing buildings.
    规划方面beplay体育苹果手机下载 的规划引进现代家居元素,以单个箱体为单位,恣意组合叠加,密封、隔音、防火、防潮、隔热等方面功能要更好一些活动板房的规划以钢材、板材等原资料为单位进行现场装置,密封、隔音、防火、防潮、隔热等功能较差,且要等装置结束才知道作用如何,不利于人们进行比照挑选
    Planning for residential containers introduces modern household elements, with individual containers as units, arbitrarily combining and overlapping, sealing, sound insulation, fire prevention, moisture-proof, heat insulation and other functions to be better. Planning for movable panel houses uses raw materials such as steel and sheets as units for site installation, sealing, sound insulation, fire prevention and moisture-proof. The function of heat insulation is poor, and it is not helpful for people to select by comparison until the end of the device.
    结构方面beplay体育苹果手机下载 为全体结构,焊接固定,愈加巩固,更抗风,更抗震,遇到飓风、地震、地陷等灾祸也不会散架,塌倒活动板房是镶嵌结构,抗力小,遇地基不固、飓风、地震等,简单坍塌、散架,不行
    Structurally, the residential containers are all constructions, welded and fixed, more secure, more wind-resistant, more earthquake-resistant, and will not be scattered in the event of hurricanes, earthquakes, subsidence and other disasters. The collapsed movable slab houses are mosaic structures with small resistance, weak foundation, hurricanes, earthquakes and so on. They simply collapse and scatter, and are not safe.
    装置方面beplay体育苹果手机下载 能够整箱吊装,无需做混凝土根底,15分钟装置、1小时入住,接上电源即可运用活动板房的装置需求做混凝土根底,搭建主体,装墙体,吊天花,装置水电等,需求时间长
    In terms of installations, residential containers can be hoisted in whole containers without concrete foundation, 15-minute installations and 1-hour installations. When connected with power supply, they can use the installations of movable slab houses to make concrete foundation, build main body, install walls, hang ceiling, install water and electricity, etc., which takes a long time.
    装饰方面beplay体育苹果手机下载 的地板选用瓷砖铺设,墙体、天花、水电、门窗、排气扇等一次性装饰,性运用,又漂亮活动板房的墙体、天花、水管、电路、照明、门窗等设备需求现场装置,工期长、损耗大、还不行漂亮
    In decoration, the floor of residential containers is paved with tiles, and the walls, ceiling, water and electricity, doors and windows, exhaust fans and other disposable decorations are used permanently. The wall, ceiling, water pipe, circuit, lighting, doors and windows of movable panel houses with energy-saving, environmental protection and beauty require on-site installations. They have long construction period, large losses and are not beautiful yet.
    运用方面beplay体育苹果手机下载 规划愈加人性化,住人、工作愈加舒畅,能够随时添加或削减房间个数,便利灵敏活动板房隔音、防火功能较差,住人、工作舒适度一般,装置后固定成型,不能再暂时增减房间数目
    In terms of application, the resident container planning becomes more humanized, the resident and the work become more comfortable, the number of rooms can be added or reduced at any time, the sound insulation and fire protection function of the sensitive moving board room is poor, the comfort of the resident and the work is general, and the number of rooms can not be temporarily increased or decreased after the installation is fixed and formed.
    搬家方面beplay体育苹果手机下载 搬家无需离散,房间里边物品能够随箱子一起移动,无损耗,可吊装、搬家一千次以上,又便利又省钱活动板房搬家需求离散再装置,物品还得拾掇稳当,且每次拆装资料损耗大、费用高,还耗时耗力,拆装四五次之后基本上就报废了。
    In the aspect of moving, there is no need to separate the living containers. The articles in the room can move with the boxes without loss. They can be lifted and moved more than 1000 times. It is also convenient and economical to move movable boarded houses. They also need to be discretized and re-installed. The articles have to be picked up and handled properly. Each disassembly and assembly of materials is costly, time-consuming and labor-consuming. After being loaded four or five times, it is basically scrapped.
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    To sum up all the above-mentioned information provided by Jinan Pengkai Container Co., Ltd., we would like to know more about Jinan's resident containers. Welcome to our website: // Thank you for your support!