    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯折叠式集装箱的产品质量到底如何?
    折叠式集装箱的产品质量到底如何? 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2019-04-27
    随着集装箱市场的发展,对集装箱工艺也有了越来越高的要求,折叠式集装箱慢慢走进了人们的视野,那么折叠式集装箱的质量到底如何呢?下面我们以济南鹏凯beplay体育苹果手机下载 生产的折叠式集装箱为例,分析一下它所具备的优势!
    With the development of the container market, there are more and more requirements for container technology. Folding containers have gradually come into people's vision. So how about the quality of folding containers? Next, we take the folding container produced by Pengkai Resident Container in Jinan as an example to analyze its advantages.
    1. The steel frame must satisfy the hoisting requirement. Generally, the frame is composed of channel steel, angle steel and square pipe. Generally, the double-sided 0.35mm sandwich plate is chosen for the plate and the 1.0mm steel plate for the fittings. A rectangular frame is formed around the roof to satisfy the installation of sandwich panels. Bottom | frame with square pipe waterproof floor. Products are generally priced between 11,000 yuan and 14,000 yuan. Profits are generally controlled from 3000 to 4000 yuan.
    2. Ordinary containers of small-scale enterprises generally pursue maximum benefits and are cheaper than brand containers. Usually, the quality is not very important; steel frame is generally selected below 1.5 mm, and plate is generally selected below 0.25 mm on both sides. The general choice of fittings is 0.4mm color steel folded parts. A frame is formed around the roof to satisfy the installation of sandwich panels. Bottom frame and floor are general configuration.
    3. Folding container is a new product. Considering the establishment of brand, we attach great importance to the quality of product steel frame, in order to meet the quality product standards from the appearance and overall quality. All of them are made of standard 2.5mm steel plate, pay attention to the quality of paint, and use high-grade rust-proof paint to primer the top-grade automobile special paint cover. Abandon the use of profiled steel, select the calculated steel plate to design the appropriate component specifications to meet the hoisting requirements, to meet the service life requirements, to meet the maintenance requirements. As far as the steel frame structure is concerned, the stability and folding function of the structure can be achieved without the help of the plate force. Whether the market pricing can meet the needs of customers, I give the choice of sheet metal to customers. Common sandwich panels such as ordinary sandwich panels, combustion-supporting sandwich panels and rock wool sandwich panels are customized by customers.
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    Today's highlights are introduced here. The highlights above are provided by Jinan Pengkai Resident Container Cleaning. More relevant highlights are welcome to our official website: //