    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯集装箱活动房防雷工作怎么做好?
    集装箱活动房防雷工作怎么做好? 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2021-05-28
    具有环境适应性强、安装速度快、使用寿命长、保温隔热等优点。广泛应用于道路、铁路、建筑等野外作业的临时建筑,随着人们安 全意识的不断提高,钢结构工程中集装箱活动房屋的防雷问题,也成为客户关注的主要问题,安装防雷装置非常有必要。那么,集装箱活动房防雷工作如何做好?下面跟集装箱房小编一起来了解一下!
    The utility model has the advantages of strong environmental adaptability, fast installation speed, long service life, thermal insulation, etc. It is widely used in road, railway, construction and other field operations of temporary buildings. With the continuous improvement of people's safety awareness, the lightning protection problem of container mobile house in steel structure engineering has become the main concern of customers, so it is necessary to install lightning protection device. So, how to do the lightning protection work of container activity room well? Below with container room small make up to understand together!
    How to do lightning protection work well?
    The metal roof lightning protection belongs to the external lightning protection system. The lightning protection mode of traditional buildings is Franklin's traditional lightning rod, or lightning rod combined lightning protection network.
    However, the metal plate of color steel roof panel is relatively thin, so it is impossible to install high and heavy traditional lightning rod. Therefore, in the design of metal roof building, we should consider how to prevent roof lightning according to the five elements of lightning protection design.
    1. Lightning arrester function of lightning protection devices inside and outside buildings
    The lightning arrester installed in the movable house can use lightning rod, lightning strip or lightning protection net according to the actual situation. The selected lightning arrester should have specific current resistance and voltage resistance, continuous lightning arrester effect, and aesthetic unity between the lightning arrester and the building.
    2. Shunting effect of downward conductor
    The thickness and number of down conductors directly affect the shunt effect. If there are many down conductors, the lightning current passing through each down conductor is very small, and the induction range is also very small.
    The distance between down conductors shall not be less than that specified in the specification. When the building is very high and the down conductor is very long, a grading ring shall be added in the middle of the building to reduce the inductive voltage drop of down conductors.
    3. Potential balance of each part in activity room
    In order to meet the requirements of the lightning protection device, the lightning protection device should be reliably welded, bound or lapped with the beam, plate, column and foundation, and all kinds of metal equipment and metal pipes should be welded or clamped together at the same time, which makes the whole movable house a good equipotential body.
    4. Grounding effect
    Good grounding effect is one of the important guarantees for the success of lightning protection. The lightning protection grounding setting of container mobile room should meet the design and specification requirements, and the grounding resistance test should be qualified.
    When the independent grounding mode is adopted, the effect of drilling deep buried grounding electrode (about 4 ~ 12m) is better. The deep hole grounding electrode can easily reach the groundwater level and reduce the steel consumption of grounding electrode.
    5. Effective routing
    In the lightning protection design of container mobile house, the connection between the lightning protection system and the pipeline must be considered. In order to ensure that the pipeline is not harmed when lightning protection facilities are connected, the cable should be put through the metal hose to keep reliable shielding.
    然后把这种路线的主干线,竖直一部分设定在高层住宅房屋建筑的管理中 心位置,且防止挨近作为引退出的柱筋,以尽可能变小被磁感应的范畴。
    Then, the vertical part of the main line of this route is set at the management center of high-rise residential buildings, and it is prevented from getting close to the column bar as the exit, so as to reduce the area of magnetic induction as much as possible.
    以上就是“集装箱活动房怎样做好防雷工作?”的全部内容了,如果你还有关于集装箱房、beplay体育苹果手机下载 房的问题,欢迎咨询集装箱房在线客服,或者直接致电咨询!
    The above is "how to do a good job of lightning protection in container activity room?" If you still have questions about the container room and living in the container room, you are welcome to consult the online customer service of the container room, or call directly!