    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯如何对beplay体育苹果手机下载 做防腐处理?
    如何对beplay体育苹果手机下载 做防腐处理? 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2021-07-12
    和许多物品一样,beplay体育苹果手机下载 使用时间久了,经过长期时间的风吹日晒雨淋也会出现箱体被腐蚀的现象,这会对箱体的寿数是有很大影响的,那么其在进行设计搭建如何做防腐处理呢?下面我们生产beplay体育苹果手机下载 厂家为您简单介绍两种方法。
    Like many goods, the container used for a long time, after a long time of wind, sun and rain, the box will be corroded, which will have a great impact on the life of the box, so how to do the anti-corrosion treatment in the design and construction? Now we are specialized in the production of live container manufacturers, for you to briefly introduce two methods.
    1、 Hot dip galvanizing
    热浸锌出产工业化程度高,耐久年限长,其质量稳定。大量用于室外的钢结构,易受腐蚀并且还不易维修。近年来大量出现的轻钢结构体系中的压型钢板等,也较多采用热浸锌防腐蚀,beplay体育苹果手机下载 便是。热浸锌的首道工序是酸洗除锈,然后是清洗,如果这两道工序不完全均会给防腐蚀留下隐患,所以有必要处理完全。关于钢结构规划者,应该防止规划相贴合面的构件,避免贴合面的缝隙中酸洗不完全或酸液洗不净。造成镀锌外表流黄水的现象,毕竟热浸锌是在高温下进行的。
    Hot dip galvanizing has high industrialization, long durability and stable quality. It is widely used in outdoor steel structure, which is easy to be corroded and difficult to maintain. In recent years, a large number of light steel structure systems, such as profiled steel sheet, also use hot-dip galvanizing for corrosion protection, such as containers. The first process of hot-dip galvanizing is pickling, then cleaning. If these two processes are not complete, it will leave hidden trouble for anti-corrosion, so it is necessary to deal with them completely. As for the steel structure planner, it is necessary to prevent the planning of the components of the joint surface, and avoid the incomplete pickling or acid washing in the joints of the joint surface. After all, hot dip galvanizing is carried out at high temperature.
    2、 Coating method
    Excellent coating depends on complete derusting, commonly used excellent fluorocarbon coating, anti-corrosion life up to 50 years. Therefore, there are many indoor steel structures or outdoor steel structures which are relatively easy to maintain. Although the one-time cost is low, the maintenance cost is high when it is used in the field. The construction of the coating method is to remove rust first, so the coating with high requirements usually uses sand blasting to remove rust, expose the luster of the metal, and remove all rust and oil.
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 的长处许多,比如、制作速度、款式多样等,但是我们不能忽视维护它的必要性。提到这里,大家都知道beplay体育苹果手机下载 怎样做防腐措施了吧,希望此次厂家简述的两种方法对大家有所帮助。
    There are many advantages of living containers, such as environmental protection and energy saving, production speed, various styles, etc., but we can not ignore the need to maintain it. Mentioned here, we all know how to take anti-corrosion measures for containers. I hope the two methods outlined by the manufacturer will be helpful to you.