    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯beplay体育苹果手机下载 集美观与功能于一体
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 集美观与功能于一体 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2021-08-14
    集装箱房屋在现代非常流行,因为在外观和功能上,集装箱的优势远大于传统房屋。它们集,,舒适,抗震和快速施工于一体。让我们看一看。非常精致的集装箱房屋是多功能性和美观性的结合。 整体外观给人以印象:外墙刻意保留了容器的痕迹,门上有落地窗,休闲区和小庭院。
    Container houses are very popular in modern times, because the advantages of containers are far greater than traditional houses in appearance and function. They integrate energy conservation, environmental protection, comfort, earthquake resistance and rapid construction. Let's have a look. The very exquisite container house is a perfect combination of versatility and aesthetics. The overall appearance gives people a first impression: the outer wall deliberately retains the trace of the container, and the door has French windows, leisure area and small courtyard.
    The whole house looks relatively simple rather than independent. It looks very comfortable. The overall layout and display effect of the living room: the boxed house is not small. After cutting and overlapping, there is no problem to empty the living room. In fact, container houses are like bricks of brick concrete houses and reinforced concrete of frame houses.
    It is a building system, the main material is containers. The interior decoration of the living room and dining room is the same as that of building a house or buying a house. Any style can be used. The insulation shall be carried out according to the location of the house, and the internal insulation shall be well done. If it's cold in winter and hot in summer, it's no problem.
    1、 注意排水和供水。
    1. Pay attention to drainage and water supply.
    The container house is a complete iron structure. Only by doing a good job in basic work such as drainage and water supply can we avoid moisture in the later stage. Generally speaking, the ground terrain for container installation shall be higher than the surrounding terrain, and drainage ditches shall be excavated around the box. In the humid and rainy south, a "human" canopy should be built on the top of the house to let the rain flow out. There are two main methods to solve the water supply problem of container houses: one is to connect the municipal water supply system, and the other is to increase the water tank. The two methods can be used together.
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 房
    Living container room
    2、 注意保温。
    2. Pay attention to heat preservation.
    Container houses are often used to provide accommodation for workers on the construction site. The container house itself does not have the function of thermal insulation, which is cold in winter and hot in summer. In summer, the outdoor temperature is 38 degrees, and the temperature in the container is usually as high as 42 degrees. So insulation is very important. After the container room is fixed, a layer of sound insulation cotton and heat insulation cotton shall be added, and air conditioning facilities shall be installed.
    3、 防雷措施。
    3. Lightning protection measures.
    If the container house is installed in the mountain wilderness, the iron container house can easily become the target of lightning in thunderstorm days. Therefore, the installation of lightning rod can not be ignored. In addition to lightning protection measures, the container room shall also be welded with fences if there are stairs, balconies and other structures
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