    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯防火集装箱房使用优势!
    防火集装箱房使用优势! 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2021-11-08
    集装箱移动房屋是一种基于集装箱构造并经过加工和制造的简单房屋。 的集装箱移动房屋的设计可确保它们具有坚固的结构。通常采用钢焊接为框架结构,并以此为主体完成所有组件的焊接和组装。做为集装箱活动房可靠的制造商,广东中鑫下面来说一说集装箱活动房屋所具有的三个优势。
    Container mobile house is a simple house based on container structure and processed and manufactured. The design of professional container mobile houses ensures that they have a strong structure. Generally, high-quality steel is welded as the frame structure, and all components are welded and assembled as the main body. As a reliable manufacturer of container mobile houses, Guangdong Zhongxin will talk about the three advantages of container mobile houses.
    1. Strong and strong, strong load-bearing
    Since each box can be used as an independent unit, in the process of using the container mobile house, users can freely combine and splice according to the needs of the actual environment. The spliced container mobile house has multiple load-bearing supports, so it is firm and durable and has strong load-bearing capacity.
    2、 高气密性和强耐火性
    2. High air tightness and strong fire resistance
    在集装箱移动房屋的制造过程中,由于板材对箱体外围的密封作用以及耐火和阻燃的强力涂料,因此可以确保 高度密闭的活动室,不仅可以使居住者更加舒适,而且可以在一定程度上减少钢质污染,而且使用防火涂料可以大大降低发生事故风险的可能性。
    In the manufacturing process of high-quality container mobile house, due to the sealing effect of plate on the periphery of the box and the strong fire-resistant and flame-retardant coating, it can ensure a highly closed activity room, which can not only make residents more comfortable, but also reduce steel pollution to a certain extent, and the use of fire-resistant coating can greatly reduce the possibility of accident risk.
    3、 低,寿命长,性价比高
    3. Low price, long service life and high cost performance
    集装箱活动房屋的成本相对较低,并且由于其建筑材料由钢制成并且使用了的焊接加工技术,因此它具有非常出色的耐冲击性,耐压缩性以及在强冲击下不易变形的能力 ,使用寿命超过15年。
    The cost of container mobile house is relatively low, and because its building materials are made of steel and advanced welding processing technology, it has excellent impact resistance, compression resistance and the ability of not easy to deform under strong impact, and its service life is more than 15 years.
    上面向您简要介绍了集装箱活动房屋的三个特别的优点。 就便利性,耐用性和耐压性而言,实际上集装箱房是一种非常值得称赞的住宅产品,尤其适合许多企业。 当然,用户在购买之前找到集装箱活动房屋的可靠制造商是很有必要的。
    The above briefly introduces you to three special advantages of container mobile house. In terms of convenience, durability and pressure resistance, in fact, container room is a very commendable residential product, especially suitable for many enterprises. Of course, it is necessary for users to find a reliable manufacturer of container mobile houses before purchase.
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