    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯济南集装箱房在开始规划时注意什么?
    济南集装箱房在开始规划时注意什么? 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2022-03-09
    The construction of container house is not a whim and random construction. It also needs to consider many factors, including simplified plan, design, welding, etc. This article will analyze the attention of Jinan container house at the beginning of planning and production.
    Precautions for Jinan container house planning:
    1. 简化计划:建造集装箱房的复杂性取决于你自己。与任何类型的建筑技术一样,集装箱房屋提供了广泛的可能性。如果您没有太多的经验或信心,可以从简单开始,也许在将来的尝试中尝试更复杂的容器。
    1. Simplify the plan: the complexity of building a container house depends on yourself. As with any type of construction technology, container houses offer a wide range of possibilities. If you don't have much experience or confidence, you can start with simplicity and perhaps try more complex containers in future attempts.
    2. 尽可能少的切割:集装箱房集装箱上的每个切割都需要时间和资金,并使结构复杂化,试着坚持一个需要少量切割的设计。
    2. Cutting as little as possible: each cutting on the container in the container room needs time and money, and complicates the structure. Try to adhere to a design that requires a small amount of cutting.
    3. 完成设计并坚持下去:每次切割集装箱房的成本,但当你切割集装箱的一部分时,重新建造需要大量的成本和时间,因此避免再次做出决定。
    3. Complete the design and stick to it: the cost of cutting the container room each time, but when you cut part of the container, rebuilding requires a lot of cost and time, so avoid making a decision again.
    4. 尽量减少焊接要求:集装箱房的焊接在资金和时间上都很昂贵,因此应规划结构以减少所需的焊接。
    4. Minimize welding requirements: the welding of container house is expensive in terms of capital and time, so the structure should be planned to reduce the welding required.
    5. 计划周全:如果你想在预算紧张的情况下建造一个集装箱房,你少可以制定一个计划。给自己一些时间来达到你愿意花费在你的家和建筑的各种元素上的金额,以确保在这一过程中不会发生事故。
    5. Well planned: if you want to build a container room under tight budget, you can at least make a plan. Give yourself some time to reach the amount you are willing to spend on the various elements of your home and building to ensure that there are no accidents in the process.
    In the planning and setting of Jinan container house, you should pay attention to making a plan in advance. If you have no confidence in making a complex container house, you can choose a simple design first and use cutting and welding as little as possible, because these two elements will spend too much time and money to reduce the construction cost as much as possible. I hope this article can help you!