    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯6米组装济南集装箱房什么价位?
    6米组装济南集装箱房什么价位? 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2022-03-18
    What's the price of 6-meter assembly container room? Is it expensive? Containers are generally only used to load goods onto ships at sea, which can be 6 meters long or 12 meters long. The price of a six meter long container is between 7500 and 10000 yuan, which is related to the newness of Jinan container. The 6-meter-long containers that can be bought from the overseas returnees market will have more or less defects and basically will not leak, but there are problems such as potholes and rust.
    还有一个6米的集装箱,比正常高度要高,属于20英尺小高箱。比正常的要高1000元左右。6米焊接固定式集装箱房:取决于箱子的材料。除了箱子本身的外,买家需要考虑的是箱子的运输费用。 这些箱子是直接在工厂组装的,因此需要整体吊装到现场。这种类型的住宅集装箱的一般在6500到10000之间。所有电路和开关都是一样的。
    There is also a 6-meter container, which is higher than the normal height and belongs to a 20 foot small container. The price is about 1000 yuan higher than normal. 6m welded fixed container room: the price depends on the material of the box. In addition to the price of the box itself, the buyer needs to consider the transportation cost of the box. These boxes are assembled directly in the factory, so they need to be hoisted to the site as a whole. The price of this type of residential container is generally between 6500 and 10000. All circuits and switches are the same.
    6-meter quick assembly room: this kind of box is assembled with bolts on site. The frame, pillar, plate, doors and windows are separated. The bearing capacity of the car is also very strong. It saves goods and can buy materials and assemble on site. However, such boxes need to increase the installation cost of workers, which is generally about 800 yuan.
    6米长的包装箱活动房:这种箱子介于固定箱和快速组装箱之间,工厂做好了,箱底和箱顶,其他部位的组装。属于档次略高的beplay体育苹果手机下载 ,供项目部领导办公和居住,材质和质地都很豪华。它一般用于项目部门的办公室。6米长的集装箱房屋的租赁一般为3x6米固定箱的6元/天租金。在全国各地的城市都有6米长的集装箱出租。集装箱房屋是一种时尚的建筑系统,可以随时随地移动,为人们提供便捷舒适的生活。在内部,电力由光伏板提供,太阳能热水器用于供暖和热水,室内淋浴和生活用水排放由污水处理系统净化后可以再次使用。根据人数的不同,可以建造不同大小的集装箱房屋。使用集装箱来建造房屋是一个新的想法。
    6-meter-long packing box movable room: this kind of box is between the fixed box and the quick assembly box. The factory has finished the assembly of the bottom and top of the box and other parts. It is a slightly higher grade residential container for the leaders of the project department to work and live. The material and texture are very luxurious. It is generally used in the office of the project department. The rental price of a 6m long container house is generally 6 yuan / day of 3x6m fixed containers. There are six meter long containers for rent in cities all over the country. Container house is a fashionable and advanced building system, which can move anywhere and anytime to provide people with a convenient and comfortable life. Internally, the power is provided by photovoltaic panels, the solar water heater is used for heating and hot water, and the indoor shower and domestic water discharge can be reused after being purified by the sewage treatment system. Container houses of different sizes can be built according to the number of people. Using containers to build houses is a new idea.
    它是的,它节省时间和能源,它是灵活的,它给家庭提供了比传统住房更多的选择,它允许个人、家庭甚社区拥有他们需要的东西。在我国,集装箱房屋经常出现在建筑工地上,因为所谓集装箱房屋也是一种活动板房。这些beplay体育苹果手机下载 主要出租给工人居住的工地,但在某些情况下,它们被个人购买和租用。集装箱房屋的主要优点是低廉:对于一个3×6米的集装箱,租赁为6元/天,一个月为180元,一年为2160元。如果购买,每件售价为10,000美元,并可根据买家的需求进行定制。市场上使用广泛、常见的是beplay体育苹果手机下载 大小,长6米,面积18。
    It is environmentally friendly, it saves time and energy, it is flexible, it provides families with more choices than traditional housing, and it allows individuals, families and even communities to have what they need. In China, container houses often appear on construction sites, because the so-called container house is also a kind of movable plank house. These resident containers are mainly rented to the construction site where workers live, but in some cases, they are purchased and rented by individuals. The main advantage of container house is low price: for a 3 × For a 6-meter container, the rental price is 6 yuan / day, 180 yuan a month and 2160 yuan a year. If purchased, the price of each piece is $10000 and can be customized according to the needs of buyers. Widely used and common in the market is the size of residential container, which is 6 meters long and covers an area of 18 square meters.
    很多人认为,购买 济南集装箱房就像购买商品房一样,规定每,以计算总价。其实不然,通常情况下,住宅集装箱的是按照每个房间的来收取的,但如你所说,可以按照每的来计算,也可以按照较大的集装箱建筑的面积来计算,比如一种集装箱别墅、集装箱酒店等等。 它可以是 一般传统的6米长的集装箱房的是11000元左右,当然不同材料的质量、做工等肯定不一样。然而,为了长期使用,建议购买一个更好的。
    Many people believe that the purchase of Jinan container house is like the purchase of commercial house, which stipulates how much money per square meter to calculate the total price. In fact, it is not. Usually, the price of residential containers is charged according to the price of each room, but as you said, it can be calculated according to the price per square meter or according to the area of larger container buildings, such as a container villa, container Hotel, etc. It can be a general traditional 6-meter-long container room, and the price is about 11000 yuan. Of course, the quality and workmanship of different materials must be different. However, for long-term use, it is recommended to buy a better one.
    济南鹏凯( //体育苹果手机下载 致力于济南beplay体育苹果手机下载 设计研发,生产制造,为房屋建筑,地铁,市政工程,铁路公路等基建施工工地,提供beplay体育苹果手机下载 服务!
    Jinan Pengkai( // )Residential container is committed to the design, R & D, production and manufacturing of residential containers in Jinan, and provides all-round services for residential containers for infrastructure construction sites such as housing construction, subway, municipal engineering, railway and highway!