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    集装箱房屋是如何控制成本 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-03-15
    集装箱房是一种易于使用,快速且便宜的全新产品。使用寿命长,在正常条件下长达20年。内置多张床,适合建筑工地,还有厕所,厨房,家庭生活的房间,甚有楼梯的双层小屋。那么,集装箱房屋是如何控制成本的呢?下面 济南集装箱厂家为您分析:
    Container room is a new product that is easy to use, fast and cheap. Long service life, up to 20 years under normal conditions. Built-in multiple beds are suitable for construction sites, as well as toilets, kitchens, rooms for family life, and even double-storey cabins with stairs. So, how to control the cost of container houses? Jinan container manufacturer will analyze for you:
    1、 The reason why the price of container houses in the market is relatively low is that it will not cause economic pressure to most people, because it effectively controls the cost and construction losses in the process, such as commercial houses and other types of mobile prefabricated houses. There is a large loss of construction materials, which undoubtedly increases the cost, especially for the relatively expensive shell materials, the loss is even greater, but the cost of the container house is calculated according to the quantity and size, and it can continue to be used after the construction introduction, so the loss is very small.
    2、 Secondly, reasonably distribute fasteners and auxiliary parts. It is well known that the surrounding parts (including hardware) and welding materials will affect the price of the house, whether in the decoration and design of commercial houses or other prefabricated houses. The selection and construction of fasteners and auxiliary parts in the container house reduces the use of hardware and fasteners through reasonable deployment, which also helps to form a price advantage to a certain extent.
    3、 The labor cost is low, which is different from ordinary commercial houses. No matter how much manpower is involved in the decoration design process, even the large container houses can be designed quickly, and the labor cost is relatively low.
    4、 The container room is equipped with: movable sunshade, light guide tube, temperature and humidity independent air conditioning, solar photovoltaic, solar hot water, ground-source heat pump, wind power generation, thermal insulation materials, energy-saving lamps, etc. All are independent through additional building components to achieve the green effect.
    集装箱房屋易于拆卸和组装,性能优越,重量轻,房屋是整体式结构,内部有框架,墙壁由钢制成,它可以用木头装饰,可以作为一个整体移动,使用寿命可达20年以上。对此您有需求就来联系我们 //www.batheeees.com咨询或选购吧!
    The container house is easy to disassemble and assemble, with excellent performance and light weight. The house is of integral structure, with a frame inside and walls made of steel. It can be decorated with wood and can be moved as a whole, with a service life of more than 20 years. Please contact us if you have any need // Consult or buy!