    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯关于集装箱的那些小细节!
    关于集装箱的那些小细节! 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-05-17
    集装箱(CONTAINER),它是指具有一定强度、刚度和规格周转使用的大型装货容器。集装箱的分类很多,用途也很不一样。今天和 济南集装箱厂家来聊一聊,大家可能都不太清楚的小细节。
    Container refers to a large cargo container with a certain strength, stiffness, and specifications specifically designed for turnover. There are many types of containers and their uses are also very different. Today, let's talk to the Jinan container manufacturer about some small details that may not be clear to everyone.
    Container, also known as cargo box or container, is a standardized production of container freight equipment that can be reused and has a certain strength, stiffness, and integrity for mechanical loading and unloading. Due to the convenient transfer and transportation of containers, their dissemination and use around the world have greatly expanded.
    The structure of containers is mainly divided into the following parts:
    Steel frame, wavy side wall panels forming the enclosure of the box, floor and its additional beams, opening door leaves and their auxiliary parts, and various loading and unloading components. Various components are welded with each other to form a complete and independent box structure.
    Container number (the container number of the exported goods)
    The standard container number consists of an 11 digit code and consists of three parts.
    The first part consists of four English letters. The first three codes mainly indicate the container owner and operator, while the fourth code indicates the type of container.
    The second part consists of 6 digits. It is the registration code of the container, which is used for the unique identification of a container.
    The third part is the verification code, which is obtained by performing verification rules on the first 4 letters and 6 digits, and is used to identify whether an error occurred during verification. That is the 11th digit.
    Common containers and codes
    1) Dry cargo box: Box type code GP; Code 95 42G1, mainly used for shipping general merchandise, usually used for shipping cultural goods, daily necessities, medicine, textiles, handicrafts, chemical products, hardware and electrical equipment, electronic equipment, instruments, and machine parts.
    2) Dry cargo high box: Box type code GH (HC/HQ); Size 95 45G1.
    3) Hanging box: Box type code HT; 95 size 42V1; A container suitable for transporting clothing goods.
    4) Open top box: box type code OT; Code 95 42U1, this type of container does not have a top and can be loaded and unloaded by a crane. The top is covered with waterproof cloth during shipment, and its water tightness requirements are the same as dry cargo containers. Suitable for loading objects of high volume, such as glass panels.
    5) Freezer: Box type code RF; 95 size 42R1, available in both external and internal versions. The temperature can be adjusted between - 28 ℃ and+26 ℃. The refrigerator of the built-in container can be started at will during transportation to keep the container at the specified temperature, while the external container must rely on the refrigerator equipped on the special container car, ship, special storage yard and station for refrigeration. This box is suitable for transporting butter, chocolate, frozen fish, condensed milk, margarine and other items in summer.
    集装箱在运输业中的寿命一般为10-15年,淘汰下来的未受损的集装箱箱体仍有良好的物理性能,经过除锈刷漆处理一般还可以再使用15年,如果保养较好,或者搭配混凝土等其他结构,可以更持久。当然全新的集装箱不管是外观还是使用性能都更优。有需求就来我们网站 //www.batheeees.com咨询吧!
    The service life of containers in the transportation industry is generally 10-15 years. The undamaged container bodies that have been eliminated still have good physical properties. After rust removal and painting treatment, they can generally be used for another 15 years. If they are well maintained or combined with other structures such as concrete, they can be more durable. Of course, the brand new container is superior in both appearance and performance. Come to our website if you have any needs // Consult!