    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯beplay体育苹果手机下载 房屋选择的标准及方法
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 房屋选择的标准及方法 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-06-13
    随着交通运输的发展和运输工具的多样化,每个人对运输条件的要求越来越高。尤其是住宅集装箱房屋,由于其体积大、低廉,已成为运输的。如何为人们选择集装箱房?下面来讲讲beplay体育苹果手机下载 房屋选择的标准及方法:
    With the development of transportation and the diversification of transportation tools, everyone's requirements for transportation conditions are becoming increasingly high. Especially for residential container houses, due to their large size and low price, they have become the focus of transportation. How to choose a container house for people? Let's talk about the standards and methods for selecting residential container houses:
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 房屋的主体材料是集装箱,因此,在选择集装箱时,应该注意箱体是否坚实,是否有锈迹和损坏等情况。在整理集装箱时,也需要对其内部和外部进行清洁,以防止细菌和虫害滋生。
    The main material of residential container houses is containers, therefore, when selecting containers, attention should be paid to whether the boxes are solid, whether there are rust and damage. When organizing containers, it is also necessary to clean their interior and exterior to prevent the growth of bacteria and pests.
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 房屋的隔热保温效果直接影响到居住舒适度,因此,在进行房屋设,必须考虑隔热保温的问题。传统的隔热材料包括泡沫塑料、玻璃棉、岩棉等,同时,也可以利用集装箱原有的钢板材料进行隔热保温。此外,对于南方地区,beplay体育苹果手机下载 房屋还需要考虑遮阳的问题,以免过多的阳光照射屋内。
    The thermal insulation effect of residential container houses directly affects the comfort of living. Therefore, when designing houses, it is necessary to consider the issue of thermal insulation. Traditional thermal insulation materials include foam plastic, Glass wool, rock wool, etc. At the same time, the original steel plate materials of containers can also be used for thermal insulation. In addition, for residential container houses in the southern region, it is also necessary to consider shading to prevent excessive sunlight from shining inside.
    1. Compliant with ISO standards
    When choosing a container residence, we first need to pay attention to whether it meets the standards. What specific needs do I need to pay attention to? You can search in detail online. Due to its length, I won't give you any more introduction here. You can find it specifically.
    2. Box integrity
    On the basis of complying with ISO standards, when selecting a container room, the appearance of the box should be carefully observed. The four columns, six sides and Octagon of the container are intact. When purchasing, it should also be noted that the selected corner size should be standard size as far as possible for transportation, etc.
    3. Welding firmly
    由于 济南beplay体育苹果手机下载房屋要装载重量的货物并且运输的过程可能会叠加,所以说各个焊接的地方是的,要不然是有很大的隐患的。
    Due to the fact that Jinan residential container houses need to load heavy cargo and the transportation process may overlap, it is important to ensure that the welding points are correct, otherwise there may be significant risks.
    此外还应该注意是否有变形、漏焊或者说是脱焊的问题,所以大家在选择时应该仔细仔细再仔细,注意各个焊接的角落。还有什么问题或者需求,可以随时来我们网站 //www.batheeees.com咨询了解!
    In addition, attention should also be paid to whether there are deformation, solder leakage, or detachment issues, so everyone should choose carefully and pay attention to the corners of each welding. If you have any further questions or needs, please feel free to come to our website at any time // Consultation and understanding!