    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯beplay体育苹果手机下载 定制装修工程前必须考量的要素
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 定制装修工程前必须考量的要素 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-07-04
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 定制装修工程前必须考量的要素各自是beplay体育苹果手机下载 的外型、消防特性、光源的投影等。下面来进行详细的分析吧。
    The factors that must be considered before the customized decoration project of residential containers are the appearance, fire safety characteristics, and projection of light sources. Let's conduct a detailed analysis below.
    1、 Appearance
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 定制保持总体融洽,这与活动室中应用的彩色钢板的品质有立即关联。活动室原厂前务必认真仔细挪动室的安装部位,关键是查验电焊点是不是没有难题联接没有很强,终究这种都是危害之后的应用。
    The customization of residential containers maintains overall harmony, which is immediately related to the quality of the colored steel plates applied in the activity room. Before the original factory of the activity room, it is necessary to carefully move the installation parts of the room, and the key is to check whether the electric welding points are not difficult to connect and not very strong. After all, this is a hazardous application.
    济南集装箱厂家认为其定制在顺从大家的要求,也很多的人喜爱它,如今不论是走在热闹的地市还是走在漂亮的农村,还是在忙碌的建筑施工和特大的绿植能够无所不在,beplay体育苹果手机下载 定制也说明活动板的火爆水平都是十分普遍的。
    Jinan container manufacturers believe that their customization is in compliance with everyone's requirements, and many people love it. Nowadays, whether it's walking in bustling cities or beautiful rural areas, or busy construction and oversized green plants, it can be everywhere. Residential container customization also indicates that the popularity of activity boards is very common.
    2、 Fire safety characteristics
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 定制安装后,请认真仔细其消防特性是不是原样,在走线时间掩藏在房屋里的消防管道,除开彩钢夹芯板的双层铁是不磨损,不泄露目前的电缆护套,这将危害总体消防作用。
    After the customized installation of the residential container, please carefully check whether its fire safety characteristics are the same. The fire pipes hidden in the house during wiring time, except for the double layer iron of the color steel sandwich board, are not worn out and do not leak the current cable sheath, which will endanger the overall fire safety effect.
    通常状况下beplay体育苹果手机下载 定制的彩钢板房会令人对住宅有新的觉得,也会令人喜爱这种住宅,因此要是积极简易房厂商的品质和总数进行每1个安装,彩钢板房就会显然变成这一时期的流行住宅之首。
    Under normal circumstances, customized color steel panel houses with living containers will give people a new impression of residential properties and also make them popular. Therefore, if the quality and total number of active simple housing manufacturers are installed for each one, color steel panel houses will clearly become the top popular residential buildings of this period.
    3、 Projection of light sources
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 定制务必保证在板墙、窗门等地区不可以出现单色光间隙,假如产生泄露状况,能够显视挪动室的介电强度能没有非常好,间隙也会导致渗水的状况。
    For the customization of residential containers, it is necessary to ensure that there is no Monochromatic radiation light gap in areas such as panel walls, windows and doors. If there is a leak, it is necessary to solve the problem that the Dielectric strength of the mobile room can be displayed very well, and the gap will also lead to water seepage.
    评价好的beplay体育苹果手机下载 能节约材质,装修工程时间短,有利于拆装2个零件加工等。尽管集装箱活动房方便使用,但在装修工程货箱活动以前,还是必须考量某些要素来超过规范。
    A well evaluated residential container can save materials, shorten the decoration time, and facilitate the disassembly and processing of two parts. Although container activity rooms are convenient to use, certain elements must still be considered to exceed the specifications before the decoration project container activity.
    When using our company's products, in order to avoid unnecessary losses and truly create a safe and comfortable environment for you, please pay attention to the following:
    1. The foundation must be constructed strictly according to the dimensions required in the drawings to avoid sinking and deformation.
    2. The indoor floor of the container activity room must be 50mm higher than the outdoor floor to prevent water from passing through the ground beam and entering the room.
    3. It is strictly prohibited to burn open flames inside the container activity room.
    4. The customer's area is a lightning area, please install lightning protection facilities.
    5. Strong current and weak points must be protected and installed with conduit.
    6. The surface of polystyrene and Glass wool tiles is painted, and it is forbidden to paint on them and exert strong impact on the movable panels.
    集装箱活动房已配好的结构、构件及设施,不可以随便拆卸、更改以免出现结构上的风险。如需更改请联系我们 //
    The structure, components, and facilities of the container activity room that have already been equipped cannot be dismantled or changed casually to avoid structural risks. If you need to make changes, please contact us // .