    技术资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>技术资讯集装箱房屋结构设计介绍
    集装箱房屋结构设计介绍 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-10-13
    Containers are modular tools used in architectural design, which have the characteristics of low carbon, low cost, short construction time, and can be disassembled and transported. At the same time, they are limited by objective conditions such as space and materials. When designing container buildings, the advantages and disadvantages of container modular tools should be fully considered, and their structural advantages should be maximized. Firstly, the transportation of container building units is convenient and can be relocated as a whole, while the assembly and disassembly of container composite buildings are convenient, making them particularly suitable for building types with limited service life and the need to change locations; Secondly, such buildings are sturdy and durable, with the main structural units composed of high-strength steel. They are sturdy and durable, with strong seismic, compressive, and deformation resistance capabilities; Thirdly, the sealing performance is good, and the strict manufacturing process makes this movable building have good water tightness; Fourthly, container buildings are based on integral box shaped steel structures, which can derive rich composite spaces through splicing and combination methods. Such as office space, residential space, and even large span space, etc; Fifthly, the structural weight is lighter than that of concrete and brick concrete structures, requiring less energy consumption for construction. At the same time, it has superior performance, stability, and high seismic resistance. Sixth, most of the components of container buildings can be recycled and reused, greatly reducing the generation of construction waste and achieving low-carbon and environmental protection.
    Container buildings can generally be divided into three forms: buildings that renovate container boxes; Construction of container box combinations; A building in which container boxes (and their components) work together with other structures to form a structure. The article mainly discusses the renovation design of single box containers and the design of container box combination buildings.
    When containers are used in different building models, they represent different functional attributes and the indoor layout is also different. Commonly used for bedroom design, the main modules include kitchen, bathroom, writing desk, and storage space. However, the kitchen and bathroom are limited by the mode of pipeline construction, making it difficult to change their positions during use, which plays a crucial role in constraining the indoor functional layout. Based on the spatial attributes and entrance positions of these two parts, qualitative analysis can be conducted on the interior plane of the container. Taking the indoor space of a 20 foot container residential building as an example, the layout statistics and analysis of the indoor space are conducted separately.
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