    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>新闻资讯beplay体育苹果手机下载 你不能不知道的几个事项
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 你不能不知道的几个事项 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2017-09-05
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 居住简单快捷,虽然能提供基本的居住条件,但是我们在居住的同时也需要明白哪些事项是要注意的,就算是居住商品房也要有需要注意的事项,而房屋箱则侧重几个方面。比如说防火,在我国几乎每天都会有建筑起火的事件,火宅也是当前建筑工地上经常发生的事情,房屋箱防火措施就更不用说了,日常使用中一定要注意防火,那么主要从哪几方面进行防火呢?
    Live in the container to live simple and quick, although can provide basic living conditions, but we live in but also need to understand what matters to the attention of the residential real estate, even matters to need attention, and focuses on several aspects of the housing case. For example, the fire in our country, almost every day there are buildings on fire incidents, fire occurs often is the current building things on the site, fire protection box housing is needless to say, the daily use must pay attention to the fire, then mainly from what aspects of fire?

    beplay体育苹果手机下载 租售,不要在靠近墙体处进行电焊施工,以免发生不必要的麻烦。现在已经是冬天了,冬天的天气比较寒冷,许多人为了取暖会选择火炉,在室内摆放暖炉,使用暖炉不是不可以,但是一定要加装防火装置,不怕一万就怕万一,做好防患工作总是好的。需要做防水处理的房屋箱,不能在房屋材料上使用喷灯。对于室内铺线应该采用金属管,并且是可靠接地和采用耐火材料的管材,如果需要穿过墙壁的话应该加套管进行防护。
    Live in containers, rental, not in the vicinity of the wall welding construction, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. Now it is winter, the winter weather is cold, many people will choose to heating stove, stove placed in the room, you can not use a heater, but must be equipped with fire protection device, not afraid afraid of the event, make safe work is always good. The box need to do waterproof processing, can not use the torch in the housing material. For indoor wiring, metal pipes shall be used, and reliable grounding and refractory pipes shall be used. If the walls need to be crossed, the casing shall be protected.
    In addition to the fixed ground fire, also have certain requirements, the housing box will be better than a full steel structure of light weight, when the wind, for example, met eight of the winds, so it is likely to be blown by the wind, causing other dangerous. So when we build a housing box, we must do a good job of fixing the ground. We want to build a color steel house with a fixed bottom. Especially coastal cities, but also to do a good job of fixing.
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