    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>新闻资讯冬季住集装箱需要注意哪些细节
    冬季住集装箱需要注意哪些细节 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2018-10-09
    What details do you need to pay for containers in winter?
    Room in a container is more common in our days, whether factory dormitories or individual rental container houses, are common suburbs and construction sites, the temperature in Jinan today is minus seven degrees, which not only makes us feel cold one day, what kind of day. If you want to warm up the room, heat up the fire, and close the doors and windows, it's dangerous to the environment of our location. So what's the winter container to watch out for?
    Comparing with the traditional way of building a residence, the container trailer manufacturer uses the factory plus equipment method. The factory's container house is decorated and generally equipped with heat preservation, exhaust fans, power sockets, switches, lamps, doors and windows, water heaters, gas stoves, wood floors, beds, flumes, urinals, anti-theft nets, air conditioning, etc. In addition, the fine decoration of the container room can supply the furniture and electrical appliances needed by customers, so that the buyer can settle down in the real end of the house, and can carry a handbag in the water and electricity fluctuation.
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 房子运用电器应留神消防用电,冬季气候单调,人们内部加热集装箱拖车的运用会加剧单调的空气和温度升高的程度更简略着火,人们应该留神,避免火灾的发作.在许多情况下,人们日子在一个集装箱活动室,由于人们拉电线和运用电器.人们的防火知道加剧了火灾的发作.
    Residents should pay attention to the use of electrical appliances in container houses fire safety electricity, winter climate monotony, people's use of internal heating container trailers will aggravate the monotonous air and temperature rise to a simpler degree of fire, people should pay attention to safety, avoid the occurrence of fire. In many cases, people live in a container activity room, as a result of People pull wires and use electrical appliances. People's fire prevention increases fire.
    However, many people living in containerized activities do not have lifesavers in their rooms. If they are rescued by hand, it will be more difficult to rescue. The fire will extend and cause greater damage. Make probability to better ensure the fire safety of container trailers.
    As for the trailer users inside the container, we should pay special attention to the monotony of the air when heating in winter, the safety of fire power, the more scientific and safer heating, the safety of fire fighting, the safer and more comfortable days. Avoid heatstroke, but we must pay attention to fire prevention because of the cold weather in winter.
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