    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>新闻资讯建造安装集装箱房屋时有哪些问题需要注意?
    建造安装集装箱房屋时有哪些问题需要注意? 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2020-07-07
      集装箱房屋在建造安装需要考虑的问题很多,在建造安装集装箱房屋时如果需要注意的问题没有留意到,那么在后期的在居住使用过程中就会有很多的不便,日后就不得不进行重新翻修,这样就会牵一发而动全身,可想而知如果集装箱房屋在设计安装不符合要求,后期居住时就必须根据实际情况进行改造。所以在建造安装集装箱房屋时就应该有一个设计合理的方案,并且需要注意的问题一定要考虑到。那么在建造安装集装箱房屋时有哪些问题需要注意?下面 济南集装箱就带大家来了解下吧。
      There are many problems to be considered in the construction and installation of container houses. If the problems needing attention are not noticed during the construction and installation of container houses, there will be a lot of inconvenience in the process of living and using in the later stage, and it will have to be renovated in the future. It can be imagined that if the design and installation of container houses do not meet the requirements, In the later stage of residence, we must carry on the transformation according to the actual situation. Therefore, in the construction and installation of container houses, there should be a reasonable design scheme, and the problems needing attention must be taken into account. So in the construction and installation of container housing what problems need attention? Jinan container will take you to understand it.
      1. Pay attention to drainage and water supply: the container is an integral iron structure. Only after the basic work of drainage and water supply is completed can damp be avoided in the later stage. Generally speaking, the ground terrain of container house installation should be higher than the surrounding terrain, and the drainage ditch should be excavated around the box. In summer rainy season, the top of the container should be covered with a layer of "human" shaped canopy for rainwater drainage There are two main solutions to the water supply problem of containers, one is to connect the municipal water supply system, the other is to add water tanks. These two methods can be used together.
      Container house
      2. Pay attention to heat preservation and heat insulation: the most common way for container houses is to provide accommodation for workers at the construction site. The container itself does not have the function of thermal insulation. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. In summer, the outdoor temperature is 38 ° and the temperature inside the container is often as high as 42 °. Therefore, the thermal insulation layer is very important. After the container room is fixed, a layer of sound insulation cotton and heat insulation cotton should be built and air conditioning facilities should be installed.
      3. Pay attention to lightning protection: if the container house is installed in the alpine wilderness, the iron container room is easy to become the target of lightning in thunderstorm days. Therefore, the installation of lightning rod should not be neglected. In addition to lightning protection measures, if the container room has stairs, balconies and other structures, the fence should be welded.
      现如今人们在对于居住房屋的性能要求越来越高,建造安装集装箱房屋时就需要考虑到问题,这是不可忽视,此外在集装箱房屋设计安装过程中,还需要考虑到集装箱房屋的尺寸、样式等问题,这个需要和客户充分的沟通,只有按照客户要求来进行设计安装,才能确保制作出来的beplay体育苹果手机下载 可靠经久耐用。
      Nowadays, people have higher and higher requirements for the safety performance of residential buildings. When building and installing container houses, they need to consider the safety issues, which can not be ignored. In addition, in the process of design and installation of container houses, we also need to consider the size and style of container houses. We need to fully communicate with customers and only design and install according to the requirements of customers In order to ensure the safety, reliability and durability of the container.
      以上是关于建造安装集装箱房屋注意事项的介绍,相信大家都有所了解了,想要了解更多内容欢迎关注我们的 济南集装箱//www.batheeees.com网站。
      The above is about the construction and installation of container housing notes, I believe you have understood, want to know more, welcome to pay attention to our Jinan container // Official website.