    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>新闻资讯beplay体育苹果手机下载 如何防腐蚀、隔热问题?
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 如何防腐蚀、隔热问题? 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2021-06-07
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 如何防腐蚀、隔热问题?
    How to solve the problem of anti-corrosion and heat insulation for living containers?
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 在很多城市都是年轻人热衷于选择的一个居住场所,毕竟内部空间自由发挥,还便宜。但是冬暖夏凉、风霜雨雪的敲打,总会造成一定的困扰,即便是空调或者降温器等等,也无法阻止夏季集装箱内部的高温作祟,还有长期使用下来的把腐蚀情况。那么对于出租的集装箱,厂家一般会采取什么办法对其机型防腐蚀。隔热工作呢?下面一起来看下吧。
    In many cities, living container is a place that young people are keen to choose. After all, the internal space is free and the price is cheap. However, the impact of warm winter and cool summer, wind, frost, rain and snow will always cause certain problems. Even the air conditioner or cooler can not prevent the high temperature inside the container in summer, and the corrosion of the container after long-term use. So for rental containers, manufacturers will generally take what measures to its model corrosion. What about insulation? Let's take a look.
    1. Hot dip galvanizing
    (1) Hot dip galvanizing has high industrialization, long durability and stable quality. Therefore, a large number of them are used in outdoor steel structures which are seriously corroded by the atmosphere and difficult to maintain.
    (2) In recent years, a large number of light steel structure system, such as profiled steel sheet, also use hot-dip galvanizing corrosion protection. Hot dip galvanizing process is pickling rust, and then cleaning.
    (2) For the steel structure designer, it should be avoided to design the components with the interface. So as to avoid the phenomenon of yellow water flowing on the galvanized surface due to unclean pickling or acid washing in the joint surface. Hot dip galvanizing is carried out at high temperature.
    2. Coating method
    (1) Coating depends on derusting, commonly used fluorocarbon coating, anti-corrosion life even as long as 50 years. Therefore, there are many indoor steel structures or outdoor steel structures which are relatively easy to maintain. It has low cost at one time, but high maintenance cost when used outdoors. The first step of coating method is to remove rust. Therefore, the coating with high requirements is usually rust removed by sand blasting to expose the luster of metal and remove all rust and oil stains.
    (2) The coating applied on site can be removed by hand. The selection of coating should consider the surrounding environment. Different coatings have different resistance to different corrosion conditions. The coating construction should have proper temperature and humidity, the dust in the coating construction environment should be less, and there should be no condensation on the surface of components. No rain is allowed within 4 hours after coating, and the coating is generally made for 4 or 5 times. The total thickness of dry paint film can be increased by the sea or at sea or in the atmosphere with strong corrosivity.