    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>新闻资讯济南集装箱房的抗风性能怎么样?
    济南集装箱房的抗风性能怎么样? 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2022-02-24
    济南集装箱从原来的默默无闻,到现在虽然不敢说人人都知道,但已经广泛普及,这样的居住者集装箱在工地上以及受灾地的运用已经很成熟了。 具有立即使用、随时随地移动、随时随地回收、回收利用、、、美观、经济、效率高等优点。
    From the original obscurity, the resident container has been widely popularized, although it can't be said that everyone knows it now. The application of such resident container in construction sites and disaster areas has been very mature. It has the advantages of immediate use, anytime and anywhere mobile, anytime and anywhere recycling, recycling, safety, environmental protection, beauty, economy, high efficiency, etc.
    住人的济南集装箱房一般是焊接结构,这样的结构能承受更大的压力和冲击,能很好地承受台风地震等自然灾害,使人们更放心。 在居民集装箱出现之前,市场活动房间产品的活动板室等结构不牢固,容易因台风入侵而发生散架倒塌等不良情况。因此,住在这些活动房产品里面的人们在台风来临之前都会提前搬出去,等台风过后活动房建筑维修完毕再搬回去,这样很麻烦,而且对于客户来说损失也很大,一些活动房产品甚被全部摧毁,只能选择重新购买搭建。
    Jinan container house is generally a welded structure, which can withstand greater pressure and impact, well withstand natural disasters such as typhoon and earthquake, and make people feel more at ease. Before the emergence of resident containers, the structure of movable board room of market activity room products was not firm, and it was easy to fall apart and collapse due to typhoon invasion. Therefore, people living in these movable house products will move out in advance before the typhoon, and then move back after the typhoon. This is very troublesome, and the loss is also great for customers. Some movable house products have even been completely destroyed, so they can only choose to buy and build again.
    对住在这些活动室产品的人们来说也不方便,需要在别的临时住宅住几天。 活动室里的东西不方便携带的东西只能放在里面。 如果活动室分散或倒塌,里面的东西也基本上不能使用了。
    It is also inconvenient for people living in these activity rooms. They need to live in other temporary houses for a few days. Things in the activity room that are inconvenient to carry can only be put in it. If the activity room is scattered or collapsed, the contents are basically unusable.
    People in these areas began to choose movable plank houses, but the losses in the typhoon showed the defects of movable plank houses and the advantages of occupant containers. Therefore, occupant container products can generally be selected to resist the invasion of the typhoon, and the overall cost is lower.
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 经济,结构坚固,能承受更大的压力和冲击,能很好地抵抗台风的入侵,客户能根据情况购买或出租居民集装箱产品。
    The price of residential containers is economical, the structure is firm, can withstand greater pressure and impact, and can well resist the invasion of typhoon. Customers can buy or rent residential container products according to the situation.
    The above is the relevant knowledge about the wind resistance of Jinan container house. It can be seen that this kind of container house has good wind resistance performance, and you can rest assured to use it.