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    集装箱使用和保养过程中的注意事项 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-02-21
    集装箱在社会发展中的资源效率高的利用已经成为城市化的趋势和要求。循环经济是近年来资源效率高的利用的新形式。集装箱的广泛使用是循环经济中一个非常明显的例子。但是很多人在使用过程中忽略了使用和维护的一些细节,往往会影响其使用寿命。现在 济南集装箱厂家将介绍实惠的集装箱在使用和维护过程中需要注意的三个方面。
    The efficient use of containers in social development has become the trend and requirement of urbanization. Circular economy is a new form of efficient utilization of resources in recent years. The widespread use of containers is a very obvious example of circular economy. However, many people neglect some details of use and maintenance in the process of use, which often affects its service life. Now Jinan container manufacturer will introduce three aspects that need attention in the use and maintenance of affordable containers.
    1、 In terms of cleaning on time.
    Many people often ignore the stains and sundries left inside and outside the container. In most cases, it is caused by the untimely handling of heavy tasks or poor sense of responsibility. After use, everyone should clean all parts in time, and form the habit of cleaning on time in daily work, and take the correct cleaning method according to the type of container to extend the service life.
    2、 Do not overload.
    It is believed that most people will feel physically unable to adapt to work overload often, and many mechanical equipment will also affect their service life. The same is true of containers. The use of overloaded containers not only affects the service life, but also brings potential safety hazards. Therefore, attention must be paid to this aspect during use and maintenance.
    3、 Repair any damage immediately.
    The parts of the container may be damaged during use or transportation, so we should repair it immediately if conditions permit to prevent further damage in the later period. Especially for some container houses, if the door is damaged and not closed tightly, it is easy to cause deformation and can not achieve the effect of wind and rain protection. So no matter which part is damaged, it should be repaired immediately once found.
    In addition, although the external structure of the container is steel structure with strong impact resistance, the steel structure has a well-known problem, that is, the corrosion of chemical substances will cause certain damage to the overall structure. If there is contact with chemical substances, it must be wiped with professional cleaning agent.
    After completion, it is recommended not to arbitrarily change the structure. The container mobile house is an integrated structure. Removing a small screw may have a great impact on the overall structure, so do not dismantle things casually. If any screw is found to fall, it can be tightened in time. Do not refit without authorization, and do not dismantle any bolt components, and do not disassemble and disassemble walls. If you want to move, you must contact the manufacturer for moving operation.
    以上内容是关于集装箱在使用和维护过程中需要注意的三个方面。本质上,由于集装箱的分类不同,在维护过程中会有更具体的要求,这就需要大家结合相关的技术手册和说明进行合理的使用和维护。建议大家选择诚信本公司,集装箱不仅经久耐用,而且为大家提供更贴心的技术指导和服务。您有什么问题就来联系我们 //www.batheeees.com吧!
    The above contents are about three aspects that should be paid attention to during the use and maintenance of containers. In essence, due to the different classification of containers, there will be more specific requirements in the maintenance process, which requires you to combine relevant technical manuals and instructions for reasonable use and maintenance. We recommend that you choose our company with integrity. The container is not only durable, but also provides you with more considerate technical guidance and services. Please contact us if you have any questions // Come on!