    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>新闻资讯实用的打包箱房使用小技巧
    实用的打包箱房使用小技巧 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-03-07
    近年来, 济南打包箱因其外形美观、低廉、便于移动而被广泛应用于建筑工地。打包箱房好处很多,无疑是双赢。但偶尔用户会因为使用打包箱房不注意细节,这里有一些实用的打包箱房使用小技巧,您可以作为参考看看。
    In recent years, Jinan packing box has been widely used in construction sites because of its beautiful appearance, low price and easy to move. There are many advantages of packing box room, which is undoubtedly a win-win situation. However, occasionally users do not pay attention to the details because of using the packing box room. Here are some practical tips for using the packing box room, which you can refer to.
    1. No glue tips
    Recommend a cheap and practical little thing, kitchen oil resistant sticker. The deep-fried dough sticks is made of special glue free material, which is not easy to fall off after pasting, and there will be no traces of adhesive on the wall when it is torn off. It is very cheap, very economical and practical.
    Therefore, before pasting posters, slogans and other things, you can first paste a layer of kitchen oil-proof stickers on the wall of the packing box room, and then apply the stickers without nails before pasting, so that not only the stickers can be firmly pasted, but also as long as the stickers are cut to the appropriate size, there is no need to worry about affecting the beauty, and also can avoid the problem of being detained because of sticking glue on the wall of the packing box room.
    2. Non-punching skills
    The hook is used for hanging objects and cannot be punched, but the firmness of the hook is worrying. In fact, we only need cotton swabs to evenly smear egg white on the back of the hook! Then paste it on the wall of the packing box room, wait until the egg white is completely dry, and then hang something (usually about 12 hours). With the help of egg white, the sucker hook becomes very firm, so don't worry about the hook falling off often!
    3. Tips for wooden floor maintenance
    In the office environment, we often encounter the problem that the wooden floor of the packing box room is flooded in a small area. First, wipe the water on the surface as soon as possible, and then aim the vacuum cleaner at the splicing gap of the immersed floor to absorb the water vapor. Note that the second step must not be less, and do not feel troublesome, because the wooden floor is prone to mildew, warpage and even deformation when it is damp.
    4. Tips for removing indoor moisture
    Because most of the large construction sites are located in the suburbs, the environment may be relatively humid, resulting in the humidity in the packing box house. At this time, the lime on the construction site can be used. Pack more small cloth bags and put them in every corner of the packing room. Lime itself has the function of moisture absorption, which can reduce the indoor humidity. At the same time, lime also has disinfection effect, killing two birds with one stone.
    一般来说,大部分打包箱房的卫生清洁都不会遇到什么问题,厨房角落的油渍清理起来可能会有点困难。这个时候,你需要的只是一把旧牙刷和小苏打粉,这是厨房里不可或缺的。更多相关使用事项就来我们网站 //www.batheeees.com咨询!
    Generally speaking, most packing box rooms will not encounter any problems in sanitation and cleaning. It may be difficult to clean up the oil stains in the kitchen corner. At this time, all you need is an old toothbrush and baking soda, which is indispensable in the kitchen. Come to our website for more relevant usage matters // consulting service