    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>新闻资讯打包箱能定制吗?打包箱?
    打包箱能定制吗?打包箱? 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-03-16
    那些了解打包箱的人都知道打包箱是厂家流水线生产的,多数情况下都有固定的尺寸,他们在市场上出售时也会以成品的形式出现,直接吊装就能投入使用,但很多客户感觉市场上出售的打包箱不符合自己的需要,不是大小尺寸不合适,就是外形不合适,所以他们想对这种产品进行定制,只是不知道应该如何去做。那么 济南打包箱能定制吗?打包箱?
    Those who know about packing boxes all know that packing boxes are produced by the manufacturer's assembly line. In most cases, they have a fixed size. When they are sold on the market, they will also appear in the form of finished products, which can be put into use by direct lifting. However, many customers feel that the packing boxes sold on the market do not meet their needs, either the size and size are inappropriate or the shape is inappropriate, so they want to customize this product, I just don't know how to do it. Can Jinan packing box be customized? How much is the packing box?
    The packing box can be customized. You only need to contact those manufacturers that produce large boxes to complete their customization needs. Just choose these manufacturers to understand and compare with multiple manufacturers to see which one has strong production capacity and very good customization ability, has its own design team, and then decide to cooperate with him to put forward its own customization needs. Shandong Weichang New Building Materials Co., Ltd. is a new company that produces packaging boxes. It can meet people's demand for packaging box customization, and can provide customers with reasonable design plans.
    When customizing the packing box, the customer should have many discussions with the design team of the manufacturer, and should clarify their requirements and specific details of the packing box design. At this time, the design team will give detailed drawings and make relevant models according to the customer's requirements, and let the customer confirm that they will be put into production after the production is completed, and will assist the customer in installation, If the customer requests that the appearance or interior decoration of the packaging box be treated in detail, the manufacturer will also handle it in place, but the exterior decoration needs to be installed after completion.
    Although the packing box can be customized, sometimes there are some details that need special attention, such as:
    The size of the packing box should be clear, and the structure of the packing box and the materials used should be clearly marked. Both parties should sign a detailed customization contract. Of course, the materials needed for the product and all the structures and detailed drawings should be attached to the contract, so that accidents in the process of cooperation can also be effectively solved by legal means.
    When customizing the packing box, select the manufacturer and ask him to give a specific quotation to see whether the quotation is reasonable. In addition, his quotation will be determined according to the materials selected by the customer. So there is no specific data figure to know how much the packing box is customized.
    这个需要客户与生产厂家协商,如果怕厂家给出的报价高还可以让多家公司同时给出报价,再从中选择中性价比高的一家去合作,但这样做也有一个重要的前提,就是原材料能保证质量,生产以后能协助客户进行安装,如果这两个方面没有保证,报价低也不能合作。更多相关产品事项就来咨询我们 //www.batheeees.com吧!
    This requires the customer to negotiate with the manufacturer. If they are afraid of the high price offered by the manufacturer, they can also ask multiple companies to offer quotations at the same time, and then choose the one with the high cost performance ratio to cooperate. But there is also an important premise to do this, that is, the raw materials can guarantee the quality, and the production can assist the customer in installation. If there is no guarantee in these two aspects, the low price can not cooperate. Consult us for more relevant product matters // Come on!