    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>新闻资讯集装箱装箱作业时应了解的方法与注意事项
    集装箱装箱作业时应了解的方法与注意事项 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-05-29
    There are usually three methods for on-site container loading operations:
    A. All manually packed;
    B. Use a fork lift truck (forklift) to move it into the box and then manually stack it;
    C. All goods are packed mechanically, such as pallets and forklifts, which are stacked inside the box. Among these three methods, the third method is ideal, with high loading and unloading rates and fewer cargo damage accidents.
    Precautions for container loading operations in Jinan:
    1. When packing goods, the weight of the goods inside the container must not exceed the maximum loading capacity of the container under any circumstances. The maximum loading weight of the container is determined by subtracting its own weight from the total weight of the container; The total weight and self weight are generally marked on the door of the container;
    2. The unit weight of each container is fixed, so when a type of cargo is loaded inside the container, as long as the density of the cargo is known, it can be determined whether it is heavy or light cargo. Heavy goods are those with a density greater than the unit weight of the box, and loaded goods are calculated by weight. Conversely, light goods are those with a density less than the unit weight of the box, and loaded goods are calculated by volume. It is important to distinguish between these two different situations in a timely manner to improve packing efficiency;
    3. When loading, the load on the bottom of the box should be balanced, and the load inside the box should not deviate from one end or one side, especially when the center of gravity of the load is strictly prohibited from deviating from one end;
    4. To avoid generating concentrated loads, such as when loading heavy goods such as machinery and equipment, the bottom of the box should be covered with lining materials such as wooden boards to disperse the load as much as possible. The average safety load per unit area of the bottom of a standard container is roughly as follows: 1330x9.8N/m for a 20 foot container and 980x9.8N/m2 for a 40 foot container;
    5. When using manual loading, it is necessary to pay attention to whether there are loading and unloading instructions such as "not to invert", "flat", and "vertical" on the packaging. To use loading tools correctly, it is prohibited to use hand hooks when bundling goods. The goods inside the box should be neatly loaded and tightly stacked. Goods that are prone to loose bundling and fragile packaging should be cushioned or plywood inserted between the goods to prevent them from moving inside the box;
    6. When loading pallet cargo, it is necessary to accurately grasp the internal dimensions of the container and the external dimensions of the cargo packaging, in order to calculate the number of loaded pieces and achieve the goal of minimizing waste and loading more cargo as much as possible;
    7. When using a forklift for loading and unloading, it will be limited by the free lifting height of the machinery and the height of the gantry. If conditions permit, forklifts can load two layers at once, but there should be a certain gap between the top and bottom
    集装箱装载时如果忽视了货物特性和包装状态,或由于操作不当等原因,也往往会发生货损事故,特别是在内陆地区装载的集装箱,由于装箱人不了解海上运输时集装箱的状态,其装载方法通常都不符合海上运输的要求,从而引起货损事故的发生,这种实例很多,因此有关的注意事项要多去了解!还有什么事情随时联系我们 //www.batheeees.com咨询!
    If the characteristics and packaging status of the goods are ignored during container loading, or due to improper operation and other reasons, cargo damage accidents often occur, especially for containers loaded in inland areas. Due to the lack of understanding of the container's state during sea transportation by the container loader, the loading method usually does not meet the requirements of sea transportation, leading to the occurrence of cargo damage accidents. There are many examples of this, so it is necessary to learn more about the relevant precautions! Feel free to contact us if you have anything else // consulting service