    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>新闻资讯集装箱进行改造的注意事项
    集装箱进行改造的注意事项 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-06-29
    随着社会的进步,经济的发展,商品贸易往来不断,从而推动着物流行业的发展,因而对集装箱的需求越来越大,集装箱的回收、更换也越来越频繁。很大一部分旧的集装箱经过改造之后作为他用,例如,民宿、卫生间、仓库、艺术空间等等。那么在集装箱改造过程中有哪些要注意的事项呢?下面 济南集装箱厂家为您分析:
    With the progress of society and the development of the economy, there is continuous trade in goods, which drives the development of the logistics industry. As a result, the demand for containers is increasing, and the recycling and replacement of containers are also becoming more frequent. A large part of the old containers have been renovated and used for other purposes, such as homestays, bathrooms, warehouses, art spaces, and so on. So what are the precautions to be taken during the container renovation process? Below, Jinan container manufacturers will analyze for you:
    1、 Size limitations. Due to the fact that most containers are standardized in size, they are convenient for transportation and management. So when renovating containers, it is necessary to fully consider their size and not draw design drawings based on one's own imagination. However, during the renovation process, it is found that the dimensions do not correspond to the construction requirements.
    2、 The lifespan of the container. The transportation life of a container is generally about 10-15 years, but although the replaced container has reached its transportation life, it does not mean that it has also passed its service life. Generally, the replaced container has not been damaged and can maintain good physical properties, so its service life is about 15 years. If maintained well or combined with concrete or other structures, it can be used for a longer time.
    3、 Pay attention to fire prevention during container renovation. Some containers are made of foam color steel plate, which is flammable. So when renovating, it is necessary to pay attention to container fire prevention work to prevent fires from occurring.
    4、 Do a good job in fixing the ground. Although the dead weight of some containers is very high, in case of severe weather, such as typhoon and rainstorm, it is likely that the containers will be displaced, which will lead to danger. Therefore, attention must be paid to the ground fixation during the container reconstruction project.
    当今很多民宿或者艺术空间都利用集装箱进行改造,达到一种很好的效果,收到客户的喜爱,老旧集装箱也因此有了更多的出路选择。随着集装箱改造工程也越来越多,因此在改造时一定要参考以上几点注意事项,确保施工顺利和使用。更多相关事项就来我们网站 //www.batheeees.com咨询吧!
    Nowadays, many homestays or art spaces are renovated using containers, achieving a good effect and receiving customers' love. As a result, old containers have more options for development. With the increasing number of container renovation projects, it is necessary to refer to the above precautions during renovation to ensure smooth construction and safe use. For more related matters, come to our website // Consult!