    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>新闻资讯打包箱以金属材料为关键原材料
    打包箱以金属材料为关键原材料 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-07-05
    打包箱是一种钢制简单的房屋设备,维护方便,实惠,使用方便,是一种很好的移动临时住房,由于其、舒适、成本低、拆卸和重复使用,在一些大都市很受欢迎,那么它和普通住房有什么区别呢?以下 济南打包箱厂家为您进行深入分析:
    Packaging box is a simple steel housing equipment that is easy to maintain, affordable, and easy to use. It is a good mobile temporary housing. Due to its environmental friendliness, comfort, low cost, disassembly, and reuse, it is very popular in some big cities. So what is the difference between it and ordinary housing? The following Jinan packaging box manufacturers will conduct in-depth analysis for you:
    One is environmental protection, energy conservation, and environmental protection. The wall of the packaging box is a composite wall, which has good insulation, thermal insulation, and thermal insulation performance. Compared with concrete structures, it is more environmentally friendly and energy-saving.
    2、 Due to the selection of CAD design drawings and the manufacturing of electronic computers for the structure of packaging boxes, the accuracy of the external dimensions of prefabricated components in mm has been achieved, providing a good foundation for the decoration of mid to late stage engineering. Modernization has brought ample indoor space to the industrialization and modernization of the building structure management system.
    3、 The engineering construction is fast, and the packaging box has completely completed the construction of the factory's prefabricated components and on-site installation engineering. The prefabricated components have high compressive strength in a timely manner, and there is no intermittent construction process, improving labor efficiency. The prefabricated components are designed according to the drawings Production and processing, thorough on-site engineering construction, and high level of civilized behavior in engineering construction.
    4、 Fire prevention issue: The packaging box uses metal materials as the key raw material. Many people may think, why should packaging boxes be fireproof? In order to better make the packaging box more suitable for our daily life, some rock wool board raw materials are usually added to the metal of the packaging box, and the fire resistance of the insulation material is weak. Therefore, we need key friendly reminders to pay attention to fire prevention issues. In order to prevent fire accidents, it is recommended to equip Automatic fire suppression devices when using packing boxes.
    5、 Fixed issue: The main feature of the packaging box is convenient installation. Compared with traditional concrete houses, the quality is too light. Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, it is necessary to pay attention to the fixing of the container house when installing it.
    6、 Accumulation problem: In order to better save indoor space, many buildings have accumulated mobile packaging wooden box rooms into double or multi-layer dormitories. This type of approach is more risky. Due to the light weight of the container house, it is easy to collapse. It is generally not recommended to add more than two floors to the house, as it is easy to collapse the container house on the next floor.
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    Okay, that's all for the introduction of Jinan packaging box manufacturers. I'm not sure if you have any further questions after reading it. You can click on the website // Comments and comments below