    新闻资讯 当前位置:首页>beplay官方网站首页>新闻资讯beplay体育苹果手机下载 在使用上有什么优势?
    beplay体育苹果手机下载 在使用上有什么优势? 来源://www.batheeees.com时间:2023-11-23

    beplay体育苹果手机下载 成本低,运输非常的方便,安装也很快速,它的可移动性方面具有不可替代的优势。

    The cost of living containers is low, transportation is very convenient, and installation is fast. Its mobility has irreplaceable advantages.

    (一):beplay体育苹果手机下载 标准化、规模化生产。构件相对标准,没有复杂的构件,在加工的过程当中机械化程度较高,流水线上完成,保障质量,同时考虑包装和运输的紧密性,采用了嵌套式的截面。

    (1) Standardized and large-scale production of residential containers. The components are relatively standard and there are no complex components. During the processing, the degree of mechanization is high, and they are completed on the assembly line to ensure quality. At the same time, considering the tightness of packaging and transportation, a nested cross-section is adopted.

    (二):运输方式灵活经济,为了减少运输的体积,单体beplay体育苹果手机下载 在装箱运输过程前,可将组成beplay体育苹果手机下载 的构件,进行压缩包装。即将beplay体育苹果手机下载 内的墙体、门、窗及安装附件放置在箱底和箱顶的组成框架之间。根据单体beplay体育苹果手机下载 室内布局不同,两个(内置墙较多)或三个、四个单体beplay体育苹果手机下载 压缩后,可组成一个标准20ft集装箱,降低了运输的成本。单体beplay体育苹果手机下载 外形尺寸采用标准集装箱公制尺寸,四角固定角采用集装箱角件,适用于集装箱车及集装箱船运输。


    (2) The transportation method is flexible and economical. In order to reduce the volume of transportation, the components that make up the individual living container can be compressed and packaged before the packaging and transportation process. Place the walls, doors, windows, and installation accessories inside the living container between the framework of the bottom and top of the container. According to the different indoor layouts of individual residential containers, two (with more built-in walls) or three or four individual residential containers can be compressed to form a standard 20ft container, reducing transportation costs. The overall dimensions of individual living containers adopt the standard container metric system, and the fixed corners of the four corners use container corner pieces, suitable for container truck and container ship transportation.

    (三):beplay体育苹果手机下载 现场安装方便快捷,二手集装箱现成的单元式模块为临时建筑提供了简单的可靠并且可以批量生产的坚固的建筑基本结构单元。普通使用不需要浇筑混凝土地坪,可以减少大量的前期施工费用和时间。根据实际的工作经验,可以降低整个项目30%的造价。单体beplay体育苹果手机下载 的箱顶、箱底、围护板及门窗等构件均由工厂标准化制作,减少现场安装强度。

    (3) The on-site installation of residential containers is convenient and fast, and the ready-made modular units of second-hand containers provide simple, reliable, and mass-produced basic structural units for temporary buildings. Ordinary use does not require pouring concrete flooring, which can reduce a large amount of initial construction costs and time. Based on actual work experience, the cost of the entire project can be reduced by 30%. The components such as the top, bottom, enclosure board, and doors and windows of individual residential containers are standardized by the factory to reduce on-site installation strength.

    (四):空间组合形式多样。可由多个单体beplay体育苹果手机下载 上下左右拼装成满足各种使用要求的建筑空间,可以组合成两层、三层等的建筑。箱式房内部隔墙可以任意拆卸、拼装,组成室内大空间场所。

    (4) There are various forms of spatial combinations. Multiple individual living containers can be assembled up, down, left, and right to meet various usage requirements in a building space, and can be combined into two or three story buildings. The interior partition walls of a box house can be dismantled and assembled at will, forming a large indoor space.
